Sample Schedule

As we meet people and share our vision that influences each Kaleo urban short term mission trip, the question that often comes up is, “So what does an actual day on a Kaleo mission trip look like?”  We are very intentional with everything that we do on each mission trip and would love to share with you what we do and why we do it.

Below is an example of a potential schedule for a Kaleo Missions trip.

Breakfast:  Recognize Our Dependence on the Lord

At each of our ministry locations, we start every day by preparing ourselves not only physically, but also spiritually, for the day’s ministry.  We provide a healthy breakfast for the team as well as the opportunity for teams to spend time in either private or group devotionals.  We are convinced that it is only through the work of the Lord that lives will be changed.

Morning Ministry:  Discover Our Passion and Gifts

On each trip we work hard to expose people to multiple types of ministry.  We want to provide opportunities for Kaleo short term mission participants to begin to identify their passions, gifts and how the Spirit might be leading them to serve in ministry.  Ministry Possibilities:  Working in a homeless shelter for women and children; Visiting refugee families; Working alongside residents of an inner-city addiction recovery program; Visiting the sick and elderly; etc….

Lunch:  Learn to Listen to People’s Stories

Everyone has a story.  Each person that we encounter has a history of hope and tragedy, joy and sorrow, victory and failure.  Listening to others story gives us a compassion for them that we would never have if we just judged them by first appearances.  It also gives us the ability to find points of connection with them to share with them the hope found in the Gospel.  Often during lunch we will send out Kaleo teams to eat lunch with homeless people on the streets.  We don’t send them to feed the homeless and leave, but to share a meal with them, hear their stories, and try to love them as Christ would.

Afternoon Ministry:  Experience Relational Ministry

God has created us to be in relationship with other people.  The Gospel lived out and shared in the context of relationships is the primary way by which the Lord brings about life transformation.  As a result, our trips all focus on relational ministry.  Often during the afternoons of a Kaleo mission trip, participants will consistently participate all week in a ministry such as a Bible club for inner-city kids or refugee children from all over the world.

Dinner:  Value Living in Christian Community

To live a life of mission, we need each other.  God has gifted each of us in different ways and we need each other to accomplish his purposes.  We need time with each other to laugh, pray, share experiences and minister together to our hurting world.  We are intentional on each trip to have time for our groups to enjoy fellowship with one another.

Debriefing:  Connecting the Trip to the Rest of Our Lives

In everything we do on a Kaleo inner city mission trip we are constantly discussing what God is teaching us through our experiences.  What are we learning about God? Ourselves? His Mission? Other people?  How will my life be different as a result of this trip?  Our passion is that each Kaleo mission trip will be a catalyst for a life of mission, influencing each participant far beyond the initial experience.  As a result, throughout the trip our staff lead debriefing sessions to encourage each person to consider significant questions that deepen the trip from being just a great experience to being the beginning of a lifetime of following the Lord and serving others.