
Ronnie DavisKaleo Staff, Portland

Author: Kaitlyn, on staff in Portland, Oregon. To submit a story or a photo for our Kaleo Missions blog, email

This past week I was privileged to work with a group from Hope Community Church in Reno, Nevada. Each night, I lead my group into a debrief. We would unpack our experiences and I would challenge the group in some way. On Tuesday night, I challenged my group to be aware of the Holy Spirit. To constantly be aware of His presence. I gave my group this challenge, but I myself, wasn’t being aware of His presence.

Each day we take our groups down to Pioneer Square to pass out lunches to our friends outdoors. On Thursday, I was walking with two students when we stopped to talk to a man named Whitey. As the students were engaged in a conversation with Whitey, I was stopped in my tracks by a woman that I saw digging through the trash. In that moment I heard the Holy Spirit say, “Move.” I just stood there. And then I heard it again. I continued to stand there. I knew that it was Him speaking but I was stuck. The woman began walking, after not finding anything in the trash. She continued down to the other side of the street and stopped at another trash can. I knew this was my last chance and I heard the Holy Spirit yell, “Kaitlyn, MOVE! I immediately began walking towards this woman. I approached her as she was searching for food and said, “Hi, I’m Kaitlyn. I don’t have any food or cash, but I have a card. Can I buy you lunch?” She looked at me in surprise and said, “Sure, I would love that. I’m Mo.” We shook hands and began walking to Starbucks- she had a headache and needed some coffee. Mo began talking to me about her dog. She has a long haired Chihuahua. This was only the third time she ever left her pup and she felt guilty for getting something to eat without her. She explained, “She’s my family, she’s my best friend. I let her eat first and I eat the leftovers.” Hearing that come out of her mouth was huge for me. I could never imagine having to share my food with my dog. Believe me, I love my dogs, all 6 of them, but I don’t have the bond with mine that Mo has with hers.

Upon arriving at Starbucks, Mo ordered. I told her to get whatever she wanted and to not worry about the price. I added a $10 gift card onto the order and handed it to her. Tears swelled up in her eyes and she asked me if she could give me a hug. I said, “Of course.” She told me that I was her angel. She told me that she doesn’t come across nice people very often. Mo shared with me that she is chronically depressed and Bipolar and it’s so hard to deal with when living on the streets. As soon as she shared that with me, I knew instantly that this is why the Holy Spirit wanted me to come into contact with this woman.

For a side note, this past fall when I returned from Portland, I became depressed. I wanted to do nothing but lay in bed. School was a nightmare, I could barely function at work, and my social life was pretty much non-existent. If you know me at all, you would know that I always try to do my best at school, I am a hard worker, and I am a social butterfly. Depression had completely taken over my life, and I didn’t want to live anymore. I would sit in my bedroom and cry for no apparent reason. I couldn’t feel anything. Thankfully, my roommate and oldest friend, reached out to my parents. I began getting the help that I needed.  I felt that I was inadequate and that I wasn’t qualified to serve other people anymore. But with my amazing church family by my side, I realized that God would use this illness to glorify Him. He would allow me to share my illness and my faith with others in the same situation. When I heard Mo’s story, I knew that God was working through me.

Over the last several months, I have become so transparent. I am willing to share my life with anyone and everyone. I have nothing to hide. When Mo shared her story, I shared mine. I told her that this is the best I have felt in my entire life. Jesus is working through me every day, I have an amazing support system, and I am doing what I love. Mo said that I had a light about me and my smile was bright. I can only hope that in that moment she saw Jesus in me.

Mo and I became friends in our short 20 minutes together. I don’t know if or when I’ll see her again. I can only pray for Mo and her safety and hope that I will run into her again this summer. The money that I spent at Starbucks was nothing compared to the conversation and friendship that I gained that day.